Saturday, June 6, 2009

on the way!

We left last night around 4 pm. We stayed in a Hampton Inn last night in Asheboro, NC. It was hard to sleep in a little double bed. I can't believe that we did that for the first 4 years we were married!

Jesse and I went to sleep around 12. As soon as I was able to drift off...either Brian or Jessica's cell phone rang or went off or something. Then...right as I was about to fall asleep again, SOMEONE WALKED INTO OUR ROOM! They used a swipe card key and walked right in. They stopped when they saw our stuff sitting there, laughed, and let the door slam behind them. Brian woke up and called the front desk, but they didn't really care. They must have never done anything about it because this morning when we came back from breakfast our keys wouldn't work.

I drove for a little while. Jesse made me for some reason, but now... he's driving and we should be there in just a little bit. We just now crossed over the South Carolina border.

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