Sunday, January 25, 2009

didn't the weekend just start?

boo... to the end of the weekend.

boo... to the massive amounts of snow about to be dumped on us this week.

boo... that it had to be this week of all weeks... this being, my last as a full time teacher at Poca.

I am trying to get everything graded. My students were supposed to have a test tomorrow and they have projects due on Wednesday. I need to get all of my stuff together that I have brought to the school over the past 3 months. I guess I just feel anxious. All of this forecasted snow is making me even more anxious.

Tomorrow we have a 2 hour delay. Two hour delays are great for a sub... cause you get to sleep in, work less, and still get paid!! But... It does mean that I have shortened classes and I REALLY need my time with my students.

I'm thinking right now that I'm gonna give my students a "going-away" present.. NO TEST! I don't have time to grade them. Maybe I'll just give 'em all 100%'s. hahaha.

I have one week left and I think I'm going to take it easy.

Although I was told that I needed to write up lesson plans for the first week that Ms. Richards was back. I feel really stupid writing lesson plans for a teacher with 30 years of experience and a Reading Certification...when I'm an Art teacher with 0 experience. Oh well.

Yesterday I was a busy bee all day long. After watching Wall-E I went to Big Lots, Kroger, Dollar Tree, and Walmart. I organized a lot of my kitched cabinets. I organized a big closet downstairs, I organized my laundry "room" (really a closet) and I cleaned and organized the space under our stairs. I keep all of Kitsy's stuff in there (food & litter box) and of course, did dishes and the laundry too!

Today Jesse and I went to Maranatha for church. We had a crew with us this morning. We sat with Ty, Sarah, Jay, and Mary. Afterwards I finally met the infamous "Roop." He's Jesse's friend from work. His name is Jonathan but... it seems strange to refer to him as that since Jesse just calls him Roop. I also met his lovely wife, Amanda.

Then, of course, we went to my Mom and Dad's house where we had steaks, salads and baked potatoes.

Tonight I cooked a huge pot of 15 bean soup. I'm going to take it to school for my lunches this week...(if we even have school!) Then I made this recipe I found on for "homemade cereal" and I doctored it up a touch. Its delicious! It kinda tastes like Post Just Bunches, but its healthier and not to mention cheaper!! :)

I'll post the recipe later. :)

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