Thursday, June 5, 2008

Today was a sweltering 94 degrees here in Winston. It was a good day for me and Jesse to go to the pool. I didn't wear any sunscreen (except for my face where I ALWAYS wear sunscreen) and I didn't get burned at all. I've been trying to gradually work up a tan and its worked well so far. I only got a little burned that one day.

I went to Cracker Barrel today. It was actually a good day ( I say day, but it was really just around 4 hours) that was busy and went by quickly. I was in the smoking section and I made some pretty good tips. I busted out over 50 bucks.

After work...went to the pool and worked out... which is quickly becoming our usual routine. I did level 1 and level 2 of my Jillian Michael's DVD and it still kicks my butt.

Jesse grilled chicken for dinner. He makes the absolute best grilled chicken that I've ever eaten!! It was so good.

Of course I watched So You Think You Can Dance...and they picked the top 20 tonight. I'm looking forward to next week when they start the real competition.

Tomorrow I'm going to a middle school that's only a 5 minute drive (as a matter of fact, I can almost see it out my window) and I'm going to be subbing for a Learning Disabled teacher...she's not LD, but... she teaches LD know what I mean! It shouldn't be too bad because shes always in another teachers classroom. Which should mean that I'll mostly stand around and do nothing.... the hardest part of my day will hopefully be finding the correct classroom!

Well...gotta go blow dry my hair.

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